
🌏 From Inercia Digital, we embarked on the project Digital ErasMUSEUM Learning. The main objective of this project is to enhance the vision of how ICT can help students’ and teachers’ understand the possibilities of learning about cultural heritage through the creation of a digital museum. This new perspective of developing ICT skills and competences fosters creativity and boosts quality, innovation and recognition of school work.

The project has a duration of 24 months, and is coordinated by Paradisskolan (Sweden). Together with us as a Spanish partner, it involves Misak-i Milli Ortaokulu (Turkey), Colegiul National de Arta “George Apostu” Bacau (Romania), STEGI FILOTECHNON FLORINAS (Greece), and Anamur ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu (Turkey).

This project will result in innovative intellectual products such as:

-A mobile museum that will be available in the form of a mobile application.

-A MOOC platform in Museum Education.

Participants will acquire new competences, integrating ICT tools, and becoming familiar with museums and culture in an intercultural, intergenerational, and creative learning and education environment.