Paradisskolan, a school and institute located in Trollhattan, in Sweden. This school coordinates this project because its objective is to work for the integration of different ethnic groups and learn more about the culture of all the ethnic groups that are part of its educational community. That way, students can understand and accept the ways of thinking of others.

Misak-i Milli Ortaokulu: This school in Turkey has as its main objective to give its students an understanding of different cultures and languages, so they are also part of this project.

Colegiul National de Arta “George Apostu” Bacau: a National Art College in Bacau, Romania, where various artistic specialties are taught, such as playing instruments, studying fine arts or classical and contemporary dance, among other options.

STEGI FILOTECHNON FLORINAS: Museum of Contemporary Art in Florina, Greece, whose objective is to organize exhibitions and create a representative collection of fine arts.

Inercia Digital is an Andalusian SME founded in 2010 and specialized in training and innovation in digital and entrepreneurial skills on an international level. It is certificated as Innovative young business by AENOR, accredited as an Erasmus+ center for education and vocational training, named a member of the «Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition» by the European Commission and it’s implicated in the European Green Digital Coalition.
Its mission is to promote internationally digital and innovation competences and education entrepreneurial, for professional people and all the citizens in general. Its vision is being an Excellence Vocational Training Center on an international level through the continuous improvement of education and innovation.
Inercia Digital is an expert in the development of international education projects, for promoting innovation and fostering digital competences, having participated in more than 100 european educational projects, that promote digital innovation (Erasmus+ program, Lifelong Learning Program, Tempus and CYTED), that gives a wide experience in the creation of educational platforms, websites, pedagogical and educational contents.

Anamur ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu: These institutions in Turkey serve a total of 12,509 students, aged between 5 and 19 years. The priority of this institution is to provide the necessary support by encouraging the participation of teachers and students in international projects to achieve a standard educational quality of the European Union, and lead the expansion of their horizons through intercultural interaction.