Finally, we went to Trollhättan, Sweden and meet the main coordinator of our project. ✈️ The plan was to hold the first meeting in Sweden, but we changed the meeting time due to stricter restrictions in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Swedish team could not host or travel during the pandemic. 😷
During the meeting we evaluated and analyzed the process in the last TPM. We evaluated the content of the budget and the quality of the project. On the other hand, we watched the first the draft of the videos that were used for the museum app and we discussed different criterias such as: logos, time and intro.
We also went to Vänersborg museum, where they work online with different tools. There we learnt more about how to work on our learning platform and erasmuseum app and how to develop our work with it. The team worked with the 3D-museum via artsteps during the TPM in Sweden as well.